Sunday, January 30, 2011
2011 February Announcements
Monday, January 10, 2011
2011 January Announcements
2011 January Announcements Dae Yen Sa International Buddhist Temple and Meditation Center Sue Yen Sunim and the new Dae Yen Sa T-Shirt! Lots more merchandise is now available at the temple including this favorite t-shirt! 1. Events and Announcements Events and Announcements Compassionate Communication: Creating Communities of Good Karma Dae Yen Sa International Buddhist Temple is happy to welcome back Joe Brummer to present an expanded intensive workshop, open to the public:Saturday, January 15, 2011 from 12:30 - 5:30 PM. There is no cost to attend this workshop; donations to support temple efforts are welcome and appreciated. Many remember Joe's engaging and interactive workshop from last January, which introduced the principles and practices of communicating compassionately and empathetically in honor of Martin Luther King Jr's legacy of non-violence. This workshop again takes place in close proximity to MLK Day and so will serve the same dual-purpose. Joe is now the Associate Executive Director of Community Mediation, Inc. of New Haven (http://www.community-mediation.org/). He is fortunate to have made his job match his passion for peacemaking, and we are grateful to be able to share in the wisdom he brings. Whether you took part in the last workshop or not, you won't want to miss this return engagement, expanded to 5 intensive hours. If you come for regularly scheduled yoga/meditation in the morning (see schedule below and on the flier), you can make a full day of mindful practice and learning including this workshop. This is an extremely rare opportunity! Please forward this invitation and distribute the flyer to family and friends; the more people who practice mindful listening and speaking, the more peaceful and caring our home and communities will be. ![]() Special Request 2010 was a very good year for Dae Yen Sa Temple and its members. The temple needs help from our sangha members and friends to pay their tax bill. Please make a donation to Dae Yen Sa. Your donations will be a huge assistance in paying the taxes so that the Temple can continue their practices. If everyone makes an offering, the Temple can manage their tax debt without a problem. Please help by sending what you can! Every donation is greatly appreciated. Please join us in 2011! Make checks to mail or bring to: Dae Yen Sa International Buddhist Temple19 Kinsey Road New Hartford, CT 06057 Contact: Sue Yen Sunim Thank You. Namu. Wednesday evening dharma school! This course is provided for free, donations in support of temple efforts are welcome and appreciated. Chanting & Meditation 7 pm - 7:45 pm Dae Yen Sa Dharma School 7:45 pm - 8:30 pm Individuals of all paths and beliefs are welcome; the only requirement is an open heart and mind. Dharma study is free; donations supporting temple efforts are appreciated. Exciting news for Wednesday evening Dharma Study: Dae Yen Sa is offering a 22-week course on the Tibetan Buddhist practice of Tonglen, based on Pema Chödrön's book, "Start Where You Are, A Guide to Compassionate Living." [Used copies at major online booksellers < $2 + shipping.] This is a perfect follow-through to the Compassionate Communication Workshop. More details forthcoming!Amazon.com: Start Where You Are: A Guide to Compassionate Living (Shambhala Classics) (9781570628399Much Metta. Buddhist Thought: THE PRACTICE OF TONGLENIn order to have compassion for others, we have to have compassion for ourselves.In particular, to care about other people who are fearful, angry, jealous, overpowered by addictions of all kinds, arrogant, proud, miserly, selfish, mean —you name it— to have compassion and to care for these people, means not to run from the pain of finding these things in ourselves. In fact, one's whole attitude toward pain can change. Instead of fending it off and hiding from it, one could open one's heart and allow oneself to feel that pain, feel it as something that will soften and purify us and make us far more loving and kind. The tonglen practice is a method for connecting with suffering —ours and that which is all around us— everywhere we go. It is a method for overcoming fear of suffering and for dissolving the tightness of our heart. Primarily it is a method for awakening the compassion that is inherent in all of us, no matter how cruel or cold we might seem to be. Excerpt from this link. Click to read more! Schedule Reminders! Wednesday Dharma School 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM Yoga or Qi Gong Dae Yen Sa offers retreat days throughout the year. Contact the temple to find out about upcoming retreat days, schedules, and activities for those days. Watch the newsletter for announcements! Dae Yen Sa Video Pema Chodron "Troublemakers"Pema Chodron telling one of her great collection of stories about how difficulty is a tool inspiring moves forward in our practices.Support your local temple and meditation center! A special thanks goes out to volunteers and supporters of the temple! There are many ways to support your temple including donations. If you have something special to contribute, please let us know! Volunteer Your Skills! Assistance with preparations for special events, weekends and teaching nights is always greatly appreciated. This includes assistance in the kitchen, setting up, taking down and any other donation of talent or effort that can assist the temple. You are always greatly appreciated! The temple does have some special requests from time to time as well. Thank you to all the people who make the wonderful experience at the temple possible for everyone!
The temple now has available a selection of great merchandise! Please stop by to purchase a temple t-shirt or the favorite "WHO AM I?" koan t-shirt Offer a talk or workshop! While we have the Wisdom of the Triple Gem we also recognize the network of members and friends with wisdom to share with Dae Yen Sa. If you, or anyone you know, has an interest in presenting a workshop/lecture/training that is relevant and appropriate to Buddhist principles and practice, please speak with Eduardo. At present, the Temple does not have funds for lecturers. Any presentation would be considered a donation would be very much appreciated. Thank you in advance. Buy a special book! Aerim Kim, the author of this lovely book of poetry is a frequent visitor at Dae Yen Sa Temple. Her poetry style is free, fresh, heartfelt, and full of a joyful sparkle of emotion. The late Zen Master Seung Shang described Aerim's poetry as "zen poems". The Kim's have supplied the temple with many copies of this book in order to help support the printing needs of the temple. Please contact Sue Yen Sunim to purchase copies of the book for your personal library. You can help build an important network! Please let the temple and the Kim's know of any valuable networking connections to continue keeping this wonderful book in the public's eyes and hearts! Special Mentions! A very special thanks goes out to Ms. Grace Kim of Blooming Ridgefield who provides many of the beautiful flower arrangements at the temple. Please visit her site at http://bloomingridgefield.com/ . A big thank you to Eduardo and Aaron leading the Dharma talks on Wednesday night at Dae Yen Sa. Also thanks to Robin for the Thursday night Yoga class! Please consider donating to the temple! Your assistance, no matter what amount, is greatly appreciated! 19 Kinsey Road Donations greatly appreciated! VISIT DAE YEN SA ON FACEBOOK!
Mission Statement: Dae Yen Sa International Buddhist Temple and Meditation Center is a non-profit religious organization serving the spiritual needs of a diverse and dedicated community of lay practitioners. We offer instruction and participation in Buddhist religion, meditation forms, devotional chanting and worship, dharma principles and practices, yoga and other relevant programs. We welcome all who seek enlightenment of mind and freedom from suffering caused by human greed, hatred and delusion. Dae Yen Sa International Buddhist Temple and Meditation Center is a non-profit 501(c)(3) religious organization. Charitable contributions are tax exempt. Thank you in advance for your generosity. Namu, |
Sunday, January 2, 2011
2011 January Announcements
2011 January Announcements Dae Yen Sa International Buddhist Temple and Meditation Center Temple's "WHO AM I?" T-Shirt Lots more merchandise is now available at the temple including this favorite t-shirt! 1. Events and Announcements Events and Announcements Compassionate Communication: Creating Communities of Good Karma Dae Yen Sa International Buddhist Temple is happy to welcome back Joe Brummer to present an expanded intensive workshop, open to the public:Saturday, January 15, 2011 from 12:30 - 5:30 PM. There is no cost to attend this workshop; donations to support temple efforts are welcome and appreciated. Many remember Joe's engaging and interactive workshop from last January, which introduced the principles and practices of communicating compassionately and empathetically in honor of Martin Luther King Jr's legacy of non-violence. This workshop again takes place in close proximity to MLK Day and so will serve the same dual-purpose. Joe is now the Associate Executive Director of Community Mediation, Inc. of New Haven (http://www.community-mediation.org/). He is fortunate to have made his job match his passion for peacemaking, and we are grateful to be able to share in the wisdom he brings. Whether you took part in the last workshop or not, you won't want to miss this return engagement, expanded to 5 intensive hours. If you come for regularly scheduled yoga/meditation in the morning (see schedule below and on the flier), you can make a full day of mindful practice and learning including this workshop. This is an extremely rare opportunity! Please forward this invitation and distribute the flyer to family and friends; the more people who practice mindful listening and speaking, the more peaceful and caring our home and communities will be. ![]() Yoga Announcement Saturday morning Yoga and Qi Gong is available at 9:00 AM followed by meditation, chanting and Korean vegetarian lunch. Namu! Special Request Hello to all Dae Yen Sa Sangha members and friends: Master Dae San and I wish Merry Holidays to you, your friends and family. 2010 was very good year for Dae Yen Sa Temple and its members. We hosted many events including Buddha's Birthday celebration and the monks from Tibet who made a beautiful sand mandala. We have Dharma school on Wednesday nights to learn about Buddha, loving-kindness and being peaceful. We also invite you every Saturday for yoga, qi gong, meditation and vegetarian lunch. Please join us in 2011! Many months ago Dae Yen Sa was contacted by the town New Hartford to pay a property tax bill of $15,000. So far, the temple has paid about $8,000 of this debt. We need help from you, our sangha members and friends. Please make a donation to Dae Yen Sa. Your donations will be a big help in paying the taxes so that the Temple can continue their practices. If everyone makes an offering, the Temple can manage their tax debt without a problem. Please help by sending what you can! Every donation is greatly appreciated. Make checks to mail or bring to: Dae Yen Sa International Buddhist Temple19 Kinsey Road New Hartford, CT 06057 Contact: Sue Yen Sunim Thank You. Kamsahamnida.Namu. Sue Yen SunimWednesday evening dharma school! This course is provided for free, donations in support of temple efforts are welcome and appreciated. Chanting & Meditation 7 pm - 7:45 pm Dae Yen Sa Dharma School 7:45 pm - 8:30 pm Individuals of all paths and beliefs are welcome; the only requirement is an open heart and mind. Dharma study is free; donations supporting temple efforts are appreciated. This week's dharma study will be a gentle return to our temple's home practice and teaching, based on the core material in the yellow folders. The 20-week Introduction to Buddhism course is finished, and we enter 2011 ready to start fresh on that foundation. Eduardo is back to facilitate and co-facilitate, so we look forward to a meaningful new year sharing the wisdom, energy and lovingkindness exemplified by the Buddha. Come together for a new start in the new year! Much Metta. Buddhist Thought: What Is A Koan?Zenson Gifford, SenseiThis questioning mind is seen in the life of all spiritually sensitive people and certainly in the lives of great masters in all traditions. However, as we painfully see in our own life and in the lives of loved ones, people often ignore, suppress or run away from these questions. They cover them over with all sorts of games and pleasures, and respond to them out of fear and ignorance. For some, however, these questions and the deep need to know keep coming back. For these persons there is no escape and no rest. The great matter must be resolved. This urgency and questioning is often triggered by a personal life crisis. Sometimes this leads one to a "natural koan" such as "who am I?", or "what is the meaning of existence?" For the Zen practitioner, it may lead to adoption of one of the formal koans. Regardless of how one comes to a koan, once arrived at, it becomes an effective way to focus natural questioning on a spiritual level. All of one's deep questioning and longing for liberation is focused in the koan. Excerpt from this link. Schedule Reminders! Wednesday Dharma School 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM Yoga or Qi Gong Dae Yen Sa offers retreat days throughout the year. Contact the temple to find out about upcoming retreat days, schedules, and activities for those days. Watch the newsletter for announcements! Dae Yen Sa Video Little Chant: Shine in Life and Health for Yourself and OthersOM A-MOGABA EE-RO CHA-NA MA-HA MUH-DE-RA MA-NI PA-DUH-MA ZUH-BARA PURA BA-UL TA-YA HUM Support your local temple and meditation center! A special thanks goes out to volunteers and supporters of the temple! There are many ways to support your temple including donations. If you have something special to contribute, please let us know! Volunteer Your Skills! Assistance with preparation for special events, weekends and teaching nights is always greatly appreciated. This includes assistance in the kitchen, setting up, taking down and any other donation of talent or effort that can assist the temple. You are always greatly appreciated! The temple does have some special requests from time to time as well. Thank you to all the people who make the wonderful experience at the temple possible for everyone!
The temple now has available a selection of great merchandise! Please stop by to purchase a temple t-shirt or the favorite "WHO AM I?" koan t-shirt Offer a talk or workshop! While we have the Wisdom of the Triple Gem we also recognize the network of members and friends with wisdom to share with Dae Yen Sa. If you, or anyone you know, has an interest in presenting a workshop/lecture/training that is relevant and appropriate to Buddhist principles and practice, please speak with Eduardo. At present, the Temple does not have funds for lecturers. Any presentation would be considered a donation would be very much appreciated. Thank you in advance. Buy a special book! Aerim Kim, the author of this lovely book of poetry is a frequent visitor at Dae Yen Sa Temple. Her poetry style is free, fresh, heartfelt, and full of a joyful sparkle of emotion. The late Zen Master Seung Shang described Aerim's poetry as "zen poems". The Kim's have supplied the temple with many copies of this book in order to help support the printing needs of the temple. Please contact Sue Yen Sunim to purchase copies of the book for your personal library. You can help build an important network! Please let the temple and the Kim's know of any valuable networking connections to continue keeping this wonderful book in the public's eyes and hearts! Special Mentions! A very special thanks goes out to Ms. Grace Kim of Blooming Ridgefield who provides many of the beautiful flower arrangements at the temple. Please visit her site at http://bloomingridgefield.com/ . A big thank you to Eduardo and Aaron leading the Dharma talks on Wednesday night at Dae Yen Sa. Also thanks to Robin for the Thursday night Yoga class! Please consider donating to the temple! Your assistance, no matter what amount, is greatly appreciated! 19 Kinsey Road Donations greatly appreciated! VISIT DAE YEN SA ON FACEBOOK! Dae Yen Sa International Buddhist Temple and Meditation Center wishes everyone peace and light in the coming year. Namu.
Mission Statement: Dae Yen Sa International Buddhist Temple and Meditation Center is a non-profit religious organization serving the spiritual needs of a diverse and dedicated community of lay practitioners. We offer instruction and participation in Buddhist religion, meditation forms, devotional chanting and worship, dharma principles and practices, yoga and other relevant programs. We welcome all who seek enlightenment of mind and freedom from suffering caused by human greed, hatred and delusion. Dae Yen Sa International Buddhist Temple and Meditation Center is a non-profit 501(c)(3) religious organization. Charitable contributions are tax exempt. Thank you in advance for your generosity. Namu, |