Buddha's Birthday 2008
Many people of all ages came to celebrate Buddha's birthday. It was a very special day and many very young children attended as well. Enjoy these photos. To see more photos of this wonderful temple celebration click the links at the bottom. Links to Buddhist Priest, Brian Vaugh's presentation on Buddha's Birthday are also at the bottom of the page.
View more photos and presentations of Buddha's Birthday at these links: Watch Buddhist Priest Brian Vaugh's Speeches on YouTube done by Sandy Carlson: |
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Buddha's Birthday 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Chinese New Year 2008!
CHINESE NEW YEAR! This Chinese New Year brought a very special event to Dae Yen Sa Temple! On February 10, 2008, many people came together and some traveled far for this great day of celebration.
Here are just a few highlights from the day. To view many more photographs, please click the links on the bottom of this page.
A special thank you from the temple to those who brought everyone such a special and unique event! Watch slideshow of Chinese New Year photos here! Click on individual photos of Chinese New Year photos here! For details on celebrating your event at Dae Yen Sa, please contact the temple. Photos are from Sue Yen Sunim. |
Gaden Jangtse North American Tour 2007-2008
2007-2008 North American Tour Mandala House made by the visiting monks on display at the temple. Dae Yen Sa hosted the Tibetan Buddhist Monks from Gaden Jangtse Monastery from July 29, 2008 to August 3, 2008 and again from September 1, 2008 through September 3, 2008. The monks travel throughout the USA offering joy and the wisdom of their profound heritage throughout North America. To see the album of some of the events during their surprise visit to Dae Yen Sa, click the links! Photos Photos Visit 2Slideshow Slideshow Visit 2
Intricate butter sculputure made by the monks. |
Touching Peace, Retreat 2008
Annual Retreat 2008 TOUCHING PEACE The annual retreat brought a unique opportunity to not only spend a day in practice, but to learn many techniques. New meditations, teachings, and practice techniques were presented. The day included yoga, a new healing mantra, several different meditation sessions, mindful eating practice and a nice opportunity to practice with many other people.
Links to photos and other information: YOUTUBE OF MEDICINE BUDDHA MANTRA For more information on the Buddhist Faith Fellowship click here.
Buddha's Birthday 2007
Buddha's 2,551st Birthday Celebrated at Dae Yen Sa! Dae Yen Sa celebrated the birth of Buddha, originally known as Siddhartha, on May 20, 2007! The traditional lotus lanterns were lit and everyone attending the birthday gathering bathed Baby Buddha. This special ritual promotes inner balance and harmony. |
Master Song visits and teaches at Dae Yen Sa! 2007
Master Song, Guest Presenter at Dae Yen Sa January and February 2007 Master Dae San saying good bye to Master Song's group. Master Song is shown walking in the background, to the very right of the photo. Master Jong Young Song, a well known energy healer in Korea and Japan, provided several Xen-Energy healing teachings at the Dae Yen Sa Temple. Master Song is known for packing huge halls full of people desiring to learn these techniques. Master Song not only speaks about health, vitality and energy in general, but also talks about concepts such as luck or good-fortune. Master Song has many dramatic healing stories, including successful treatment of cancers. He also has a profound story of his own car accident and recovery, which includes overcoming brain injuries. Several people were able to feel the energy, sometimes referred to as ki or chi, during these January and February sessions. The classes include general energy concepts, ways to build energy, special meditation techniques and many Xen-Energy exercises. Many people express how fortunate they are to attend an active temple and have access to this experience. Read the account of the visit on the RegisterCitizen.com.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Memory Ceremony 2007
Temple Memory Ceremony and Special Prayers for Students Losing Their Lives in the Virginia Tech Tragedy On Sunday, August 26, 2007 Dae Yen Sa performs a special temple memory ceremony to remember dearly departed friends and family. Included in this day is a special prayer offering for the victims of the Virginia Tech shooting. Many of the names are posted by noon before the ceremony begins. Preparation is still going on at noon with Master Dae San Sunim writing the names of those to be remembered. Prayers begin at 12:30 PM and last until about 3:45 PM. During the ceremony the 95 Names of those remembered are carried from the board. Sue Yen Sunim performing the bathing part of the ceremony. See Sue Yen Sunim perform the bathing portion of the ceremony by clicking here for: While the bathing ceremony is performed, paper clothing representing the departed's outer garments is burned outside the temple. Many spoons are placed in the rice preparing to feed the ancestors. The feast ready for serving. Utensils are tapped on the table three times before placement on the food. Participants, three at a time, approach the alter with a flower in hand. Each person fills a small bowl with water, waving it by the candles three times. See the offerings and bowing at the altar 4:11. The water is poured into the basin and a portion of each dish is added to the mix for the memory ceremony. Master Dae San Sunim chanting Namu Amitabul 1:52.
The memory sheet is walked around and out of the temple with a procession of participants following. Many large flower arrangements are in place throughout the temple. The procession continues out into the yard. The ancestors feast previously poured into the basin is returned to the earth. The memory sheet is folded and placed with other items into a metal container. Master Dae San Sunim watches the results of the burning. If the fire burns well, the ceremony is considered successful. The fire burns well. Korean food specialties, such as rice cake, are served after the successful ceremony. Thank you for attending! |