Buddhist Retreat ![]() The Way of the Bodhisattva ![]() Warming up with yoga in the beginning of the day! Experiences! The retreat from the Buddhist Faith Fellowship of Connecticut was held on June 10th at Dae Yen Sa International Buddhist Temple. This day was packed full of information, tools and experiences! Sitting and walking meditation instruction, Zazen, Zen walking, body work, yoga, sutra chanting, plenty of noble silence, discussions, mindfulness eating practice and a delicious homemade Korean vegetarian lunch is still not an all inclusive list of events. ![]() Teachers assembled at the front of the group. Topics are Many Just a sampling of the day's topics includes: Working with the Mind, exploring mindfulness practice, from the Guarding Alertness chapter of the classic 8th century Indian text The Way of the Bodhisattva by Shantideva. Awakened by the Ultimate Dimension from a variety of passages written by Shinran Shonin, founder and Shin Buddhist teacher, exploring true entrusting, mindfulness, Buddha-nature and the Bodhisattva way. Healing Mantras. Learning and practicing transformative Sanskrit chants awakening the heart and healing body and mind. Is There a Soul? A look into these questions from the Buddhist perspective. Healing Meditation Experience. A sharing of the healing meditation practice available at the temple. A sampling of the many participants in the retreat. Thanks! Thank you to everyone who set up attended, participated and taught, bringing together this wonderful experience! |
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Way of the Bodhisattva 2007
Stillwater Meditation Center Opens 2007
STILLWATER MEDITATION CENTER "Where Body and Mind Come Together in the Here and Now." Dae Yen Sa visits Stillwater's Holistic Health Fair in Wolcott, CT. September 9, 2007 Congratulations to Pierce for realizing a dream of opening his own center! Sue Yen Sunim visits an old friend out front before entering. This is one of the many Buddhas on the property. Sue Yen Sunim joining Pierce in meditation in the spacious room downstairs. Pierce worked hard to restore this former warehouse space to its current serenity enhancing condition! Many people may recognize Pierce who led many teachings at Dae Yen Sa and still arrives for events. Click here to listen and see Pierce leading a class in chanting Om Mani Padmi Hum. Pierce posing with special friends and associates in front of another Medicine Buddha. The attention to detail achieved inside and outside of the property in such a short time is simply amazing! Many services are available at the facility as well. Available services include Reiki, massage therapy, herbal therapy, yoga, Tai Chi, and meditation. (A special thank you to Linda for this photo!) This is only one of the many colorful fish on the premises. Stillwater has many saltwater tanks, blending nature and other traditional Buddha decor. Pierce with the coy pond in Stillwater's backyard. Stillwater has several outside water features. Enlightened shopping is not a myth! This is actually possible at Pierce's meditation center! The proceeds from the Practice Shop go toward services for those who could not otherwise take part in the programs. This musical frog rasp makes a few kinds of calls by scraping the wood tapper across its back. Perhaps it can also be used as a tapper for those who may want a whimsical moktok. The charming vase can also be found in Pierce's shop. The store is full of items such as jewelry, Buddhist practice tools, tea service items, books, and CD's, just to name a few. For more information on Stillwater Meditation Center, you can visit their webpage at http://stillwatermeditation.com/contact.htm. Best wishes Pierce for much success and Buddha work at the new center! |
Saturday, October 25, 2008
All Faiths Welcome At Buddhist Temple
Film done by the Hartford Courant with the news story about Dae Yen Sa in September 2007. |
TibetFest 3
TibetFest 3 Goshen Fairgrounds September 29, 2007 through September 30, 2007 Visit Highlights! |
A Visit to Dae Yen Sa TempleA welcoming sign. This article was written awhile ago. Some things have changed a little over time and many other activities have remained the same. Yoga is sometimes an independent experience during open temple time. During certain times of the year Master Dae San offers Dharma talks on Saturdays complete with an interpreter. This writing was originally done to provide information to those wondering about visiting the temple. ****** Life is crazy, frantic, wonderful, and even darn hard at times. Saturday, however, is a wonderfully warm day in Connecticut. Pushing towards the middle of November, that is a treat where I live. Today is a day to go out and let all that warm sunshine in. Since I have nothing scheduled for a change, and am more free than usual, I do something special. All my usual work gets pushed aside. That is special for me in itself. I decide to visit Dae Yen Sa Temple in New Hartford, Connecticut. Friends have invited me there in the past always emphasizing how it is, "...a real Buddhist temple." Learning and expanding ones experiences are often wonderful opportunities. At times, they are definitely character building "difficult," causing blushing and making a person feel three times too small. Today my visit keeps pace with the wonderfully, sunny day and I feel just a little taller for it. Prior to going, I do my homework for the people who are asking me about the Buddhist experience. My brother often attends Buddhist temples, so I ask how does one go about doing this? My brother is quite a talker and an even bigger writer and I figure he can make it easy. His only response is, "Be sure to take your shoes off." I read a chapter in a book that informs concerned people about how to go about respecting religions and their ceremonies, but it is more background rather than the actual process. I really don't think it even mentions shoes. I obtain the temple schedule from the internet. Sunday is the special day for Korean services. Korean services are actually performed every day in Korean language. Saturday and Wednesday is the "American Buddhist" schedule. Armed with the schedule and other information from the site I set off on my journey in my car, "The Little White Bull." (For anyone who does not know me well, I name all my cars.) Despite my best intentions to be a perfect visitor, I do probably what a lot of people do when they are trying to be so precise... I goof up. I miss the turn because the sign near the main road falls down. I am half-an-hour late for the first class, driving in past the beautiful stone sign for the temple, and the classic Asian rock structures. I am not paying attention to my second error-- blasting the radio. "Oooops!" I say to myself as a turn off the thumping rock song whining about "no huggy, no kissy until I get a wedding band..." I jump out of my car and slam the door. Oops again, I sure hope that temple has some descent sound proofing. Quickly looking through the glass as I go along towards the main building, I see everyone is in the large temple and not the other smaller structures. After all this, I do at least remember to take off my shoes and quietly tiptoe in. I am still under the impression that shoes are important. Diamond mind is probably important for large gatherings, so you can find your shoes again too. Thankfully, there will be no problem here. It is a nice small gathering inside. SHOES! Perhaps I am not yet the greatest guest. The yoga teacher is the perfect hostess allowing me that gentle space to recover rather than start off with a wilt. She kindly invites me right into the class despite my lateness. This is truth in advertising. Their website states, "You can come in at any time; don’t ever think you’re late. You can only be on time at our temple." How wonderful is that!? One of my burning questions about attending the Buddhist temple is, "What do I need to bring." This question starts to receive answers at the first class too. I go to where the mats are in the closet for the yoga class. Of course the best part is that the class itself is wonderful! I have some past exposure to yoga and this time, I realize that each teacher has a special energy that they add to their teaching. Some classes are very technical, others are fun, some are happy. Leonora, whose spiritual name is Ji Yen Sunim, has a class that "sings" with warmth. (The people serving at the temple receive a special name followed by Sunim which means monk.) It is not one of those "way too easy" classes either, since a person can perform to their own ability and flexibility. There is intoning of a syllable together, rubbing our hands and releasing energy in prayer. They refer to what we do as a "Cooking" or Karma yoga. It has been so long since I have held a syllable like that with others, I realize I miss that wonderful harmonizing experience and all the chi heat in my hands. Our voices together remind me of my new singing bowl. The area where walking meditation is performed. The structure itself contains special relics.
Sue Yen Sunim busy working away. I thought I would like a better photo, then I realize that she is captured in her finest form of taking care of us in this one. After getting to know her better, I realize she is a wonderful example of feminine power.
Dae San Sunim is the Master at Dae Yen Sa Temple. He is holding the meditation posture we use today.
The classic rock structures.
The Bell
The sound of the bell is regarded as the voice of the Buddha calling us back to our true natures. |
Yoga Returns to Dae Yen Sa!
Dae Yen Sa International Buddhist Temple and Meditation Center
Photo of Buddha triad consisting of Sakyamuni Bul, Birojana Bul and Nosana Bul. Welcome! This is an information site managed by a friend of Dae Yen Sa! |