2011 December Announcements Dae Yen Sa International Buddhist Temple and Meditation Center Happy Holidays! May all beings be filled with joy and peace. May all beings everywhere, The strong and the weak, The great and the small, The mean and the powerful, The short and the long, the subtle and the gross: May all beings everywhere, Seen and unseen, Dwelling far off or nearby, Being or waiting to become: May all be filled with lasting joy. Let no one deceive another,.. 1. Events and Announcements EVENTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS! Special Event! Day of Mindfulness Retreats! Every First Saturday of the month, 9am-5pm Give yourself time to rest and reflect. Life can get busy and stressful. It's so easy for each of us to lose perspective as we juggle it all. That's why it's so important to make time specifically for you. A mindful- ness retreat allows you to unplug from distractions and recharge your spiritual batteries. All are welcomed. Saturday Dates: 9-10:00 am...Yoga/Qi Gong 10:15...Tea Break and Introduction 10:15-11...Meditation Session 11-11:45...Recitation & Chanting 12-1pm...Vegetarian Lunch 1-1:45...Walking Meditation 2-3:15...Dharma Talk/ Recitation/Q&a 3:30-4:30...Yoga/Qi Gong and/or Group Activity 4:30-5:00 Meditation, Closing Recitation Sutra of Loving-Kindness and Om Amoga chant Print and share the brochure at this link. Special Request WINTER APPEAL. PLEASE HELP.
13th Annual Open Mountain Ceremony
Jason sitting on the steps of one of the beautiful temples at Bak Lim Sa during the 13th Annual Open Mountain Ceremony. Dae Yen Sa Film Festival! Dae Yen Sa's nine-week "Film Festival" Series is completed! Special thanks to everyone attending! ONCE-IN-A-LIFETIME HISTORIC EVENT. 25-Week Dharma Study Course! On July 13 the new 25-week Dharma Discovery began at Dae Yen Sa. See the attached syllabus for details, and pass it on to anyone you know who may be interested. If you are able and allowed to post it where it can be seen by many people, please do. Thanks you for your interest! Classes take place Wednesday evenings from 7-9 PM and include meditation, shared reading, dharma talk, discussion, tea ceremony and a fruit party social. This course runs from July 13 through December 28, 2011. There are no attendance expectations; Please come whenever you can! Dharma study is tuition-free! Sangha members are instead suggested to practice the paramita of [reciprocal] generosity,donating commensurate to the benefits of participating and their financial ability. Metta! ***Brochure*** ***Syllabus*** Temple merchandise is now available including the WHO ARE YOU t-shirt! BUDDHIST THOUGHT: Science and technology, though capable of creating immeasurable material comfort, cannot replace the age-old spiritual and humanitarian values that have largely shaped world civilization, in all its national forms, as we know it today. No one can deny the unprecedented material benefit of science and technology, but our basic human problems remain; we are still faced with the same, if not more, suffering, fear, and tension. Thus it is only logical to try to strike a balance between material developments on the one hand and the development of spiritual, human values on the other. In order to bring about this great adjustment, we need to revive our humanitarian values... http://www.dalailama.com/messages/world-peace/a-human-approach-to-peace SCHEDULE REMINDERS! Wednesday Dharma School 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
9:00 AM to 10:00 AM Yoga or Qi Gong Dae Yen Sa offers retreat days throughout the year. Contact the temple to find out about upcoming retreat days, schedules, and activities for those days. Watch the newsletter for announcements! DAE YEN SA VIDEO Spiritual Lawyer On The Best Of Alan WattsA LIFE HISTORY OF Alan Watts VOLUNTEERS! Thanks for supporting your local temple and meditation center! There are many ways to support your temple including donations. If you have something special to contribute, please let us know! Please volunteer your skills. Offer a talk or workshop, Assistance with preparations for special events, weekends and teaching nights is always greatly appreciated. This includes assistance in the kitchen, setting up, taking down and any other donation of talent or effort that can assist the temple. You are always greatly appreciated! The temple does have some special requests from time to time as well. Thank you to all the people who make the wonderful experience at the temple possible for everyone! A big thank you to Eduardo and Aaron leading the Dharma talks on Wednesday night at Dae Yen Sa and so many others that volunteer their time and attention. There are many reasons to visit the temple! Here are just a few:
The temple now has available a selection of great merchandise! Please stop by to purchase a temple t-shirt or the favorite "WHO AM I?" koan t-shirt. Your shopping benefits the temple! Aerim Kim, the author of this lovely book of poetry is a frequent visitor at Dae Yen Sa Temple. Her poetry style is free, fresh, heartfelt, and full of a joyful sparkle of emotion. The late Zen Master Seung Shang described Aerim's poetry as "zen poems". The Kim's have generously supplied the temple with many copies of this book in order to help support the printing needs of the temple. Please contact Sue Yen Sunim to purchase copies of the book for your personal library. Please consider donating to the temple! Your assistance, no matter what amount, is greatly appreciated! 19 Kinsey Road Donations greatly appreciated! VISIT DAE YEN SA ON FACEBOOK! Mission Statement: Dae Yen Sa International Buddhist Temple and Meditation Center is a non-profit religious organization serving the spiritual needs of a diverse and dedicated community of lay practitioners. We offer instruction and participation in Buddhist religion, meditation forms, devotional chanting and worship, dharma principles and practices, yoga and other relevant programs. We welcome all who seek enlightenment of mind and freedom from suffering caused by human greed, hatred and delusion. Dae Yen Sa International Buddhist Temple and Meditation Center is a non-profit 501(c)(3) religious organization. Charitable contributions are tax exempt. Thank you in advance for your generosity. Namu. |
'Jesus Would Support Palestinian Statehood'
*Jesus Would Support Palestinian Statehood*
Editor's Note: Carl Medearis is an international expert in Arab-American
and Muslim-Christian relations and is...
13 years ago
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