2009 November Announcements Dae Yen Sa International Buddhist Temple and Meditation Center Prayer beads used for keeping track of prayers and chants. Contents: 1. Upcoming Events Upcoming Events
An Invitation to Enjoy Stillwater Meditation!!! Stillwater invites everyone to visit their Holistic Health Fair at their Holistic Health Center, 30 Beach Road, Wolcott CT from 11 am to 2 pm. The day includes free workshops, Reiki massage, transformation energy, snacks and beverages as well as free instructional classes in Yoga, Tai Chi, NIA (aerobics) and meditation. Nonviolent Communication Workshop Sangha members Aaron Doyle and Eduardo Barrios are working on scheduling a non-violent communication workshop in the coming months. See more info at http://www.cnvc.org and stay tuned for more information in the future! The Dharma School Series
For those with Books please read Chapter 5: Fools For those without books please read Chapter 5: Fools “Any fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius-and a lot of courage-to move in the opposite direction.” --------Albert Einstein Fools. We have all experienced them and maybe more times than we'd like to admit, we have played the fool. But take heart, no one is exempt. The dictionary defines a Fool as: "a person who acts unwisely or imprudently; a silly person". The last definition "a silly person" is kind of funny and makes me think of Monty Python comedy sketches! What's not so humorous is the first definition, "a person who acts unwisely". In the chapter on Fools, the Buddha is not speaking about eliminating fun in our lives, but rather living life without awareness and mindfulness. There is a reason that of the three poisons, Greed, Anger, and Ignorance, that Ignorance is the most destructive, because of negative consequences that can arise from mindlessness. We can create all sorts of pain and suffering due to our ignorance or wrong view of a person or situation. Just reflect on your own life experience. It is not easy to live out of the Dharma and to "suffer the fools" around us. But we know as Buddhist practitioners, with Bodhisattva hearts, any little enlightenment we experience, or merit gained, is not for us to keep, but to be shared to help extinguish the ignorance of the whole world. Together we practice going courageously, compassionately and with supreme humility, bringing light to the dark places within us and without -- and hopefully with a healthy sense of humor. Nobody is condemned in Buddhism, for greatness is latent even in the seemingly lowliest, just as lotuses spring from muddy ponds. Namu.
Buddha Thought Hot Dog Vendor Joke Including Sequel! Q: What did a Buddhist say to the hot dog vendor? A: Make me one with everything. (The hot dog vendor prepares the hot dog and gives it to the monk. The monk pays him and asks for the change. The hot dog vendor says: "Change comes from within".
Volunteer Requests Assistance with preparation for special events, weekends and teaching nights is always greatly appreciated. This includes assistance in the kitchen, setting up, taking down and any other donation of talent or effort that can assist the temple. You are always greatly appreciated! The temple does have some special requests from time to time as well. Sati Meditation
Calling all TV Techies!
The East gives us thousands upon thousands of Buddhist sacred texts. And here in the West we have access to many books and articles from teachers like Jack Kornfield, Pema Chodron and other well-known teachers. It is our goal to begin a small lending library of Buddhist texts that would be open to Sangha members. The idea has been approved by Su Yen Sunim and Master, so we'll keep you posted on the logistics. In the meantime consider donating your books of wisdom to the temple. Make it a practice in letting go! Talks and Workshops While we have the Wisdom of the Triple Gem we also recognize the network of members and friends with wisdom to share with Dae Yen Sa. If you, or anyone you know, has an interest in presenting a workshop/lecture/training that is relevant and appropriate to Buddhist principles and practice, please speak with Eduardo. At present, the Temple does not have funds for lecturers. Any presentation would be considered a donation would be very much appreciated. Thank you in advance. SPECIAL MENTION! Nirvana Juice Bar, Torrington One of our Sangha members, Rosie, invites us to visit her juice bar in Downtown Torrington. Rosie offers many wonderful health and energy drinks and foods as well as aromatic incenses and products sangha members would appreciate. In addition Rosie hosts guest lectures and open mike nights. Visit her website for more information and then visit her store for some "chill" time. http://nirvanahealthbar.com/ Nirvana is a healthy, fun and informative place to visit! Saturday Temple Regular Schedule: 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM Yoga The first Saturday of each month, Dae Yen Sa has a retreat day with a revised schedule. Call or contact the temple for the schedule and activities for that day. A Problem for Everything!
19 Kinsey Road Donations greatly appreciated! VISIT DAE YEN SA ON FACEBOOK! |
'Jesus Would Support Palestinian Statehood'
*Jesus Would Support Palestinian Statehood*
Editor's Note: Carl Medearis is an international expert in Arab-American
and Muslim-Christian relations and is...
13 years ago
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