2009 November Announcements Dae Yen Sa International Buddhist Temple and Meditation Center Wisdom of fresh, whole foods. Contents: 1. Upcoming Events Upcoming Events
Nonviolent Communication Workshop Sangha members Aaron Doyle and Eduardo Barrios are working on scheduling a non-violent communication workshop in the coming months. See more info at http://www.cnvc.org and stay tuned for more information in the future! The Dharma School Series
For those with Books please read Chapter 7: The Worthy For those without books please read Chapter 7: The Worthy This this translation chapter 7 is entitled The Worthy. In other translations the title varies, as in, The Arahant (In early Buddhist scriptures, the word arahant refers to an enlightened being. ), for example, or The Saint. At Dae Yen Sa Temple we have a beautiful mural of the Buddhist Saints from the Korean tradition. At first one notices the brilliant colors and gold leaf that shines out to the viewer. Then, upon more careful observance we begin to see a myriad of people, in all different shapes, sizes, colors and moods. At this point I have a confession to make. Once while in a 2-hour Korean liturgy at the temple, I made the mistake at looking over at the mural only to see the contorted face of one of those saints staring me down! At once it struck me as being incredibly hilarious — it was all I could do not to break up laughing! It was like getting the giggles in church, and biting the bottom of my lip was the only thing that got me through! The point is, arahants and saints come in all shapes and sizes. Saints were, and are, people like us — with feelings and emotions, as depicted in our mural. They are worthy of our respect because they commit their lives to the proactice of mindfulness, renunciation, loving detatchment in order to transcend the cycle of samsara and allow more peace and compassion to blossom. But the job of enlightenment does not rest solely on these. Each one of us is called to a life of Sainthood, or Arahanship. That's because we know that the seed of enlightenment is within us. Each of us has experienced movements from illusion to truth in our hearts and minds. Transformation means moving forward in wisdom, like birds that leave no trace of their tracks in the sky. Namu and Happy Thanksgiving! Nobody is condemned in Buddhism, for greatness is latent even in the seemingly lowliest, just as lotuses spring from muddy ponds. Invite someone new to experience the warmth of the sangha. Buddha Thought There's this wonderful story about the first meeting between Kalu Rinpoche and Zen master Seung Sahn. The two monks entered with swirling robes - maroon and yellow for the Tibetan, austere gray and black for the Korean - and were followed by retinues of younger monks and translators with shaven heads ... The Tibetan lama sat very still, fingering a wooden rosary (mala) with one hand while murmuring, 'Om mani padme hung,' continuously under his breath. The Zen master, who was already gaining renown for his method of hurling questions at his students until they were forced to admit their ignorance and then bellowing, 'Keep that don't know mind!' at them, reached deep inside his robes and drew out an orange. 'What is this?' he demanded of the lama. 'What is this?' This was a typical opening question, and we could feel him ready to pounce on whatever response he was given. The Tibetan sat quietly fingering his mala and made no move to respond. 'What is this?' the Zen master insisted, holding the orange up to the Tibetan's nose. Kalu Rinpoche bent very slowly to the Tibetan monk next to him who was serving as the translator, and they whispered back and forth for several minutes. Finally the translator addressed the room: 'Rinpoche says, What is the matter with him? Don't they have oranges where he comes from?' A classic Buddhist story found on the net. Volunteer Requests Assistance with preparation for special events, weekends and teaching nights is always greatly appreciated. This includes assistance in the kitchen, setting up, taking down and any other donation of talent or effort that can assist the temple. You are always greatly appreciated! The temple does have some special requests from time to time as well. Sati Meditation Recently, a small group from Dae Yen Sa enjoyed a field trip to Chuang Yen Temple in Carmel, NY. We participated in a retreat day, where we learned a new form of meditation practice called Sati. In Sati Meditation the practitioner uses mindful movements of the hands to bring about greater awareness.This practice was introduced by Luangpor Teean Jittasubho (1911-1988) of Thailand and taught to us by Dr. Dwight Chien. It is our intention to make Sati meditation sessions available at DaeYen Sa. If any member who participated in our Sati retreat in NY is interested in leading Sati meditation please see Eduardo. For those wishing to experience the Sati retreat day at Chuang Yen, the next session is December 12, 2009. Calling all TV Techies!
The East gives us thousands upon thousands of Buddhist sacred texts. And here in the West we have access to many books and articles from teachers like Jack Kornfield, Pema Chodron and other well-known teachers. It is our goal to begin a small lending library of Buddhist texts that would be open to Sangha members. The idea has been approved by Su Yen Sunim and Master, so we'll keep you posted on the logistics. In the meantime consider donating your books of wisdom to the temple. Make it a practice in letting go! Talks and Workshops While we have the Wisdom of the Triple Gem we also recognize the network of members and friends with wisdom to share with Dae Yen Sa. If you, or anyone you know, has an interest in presenting a workshop/lecture/training that is relevant and appropriate to Buddhist principles and practice, please speak with Eduardo. At present, the Temple does not have funds for lecturers. Any presentation would be considered a donation would be very much appreciated. Thank you in advance. SPECIAL MENTION! Nirvana Juice Bar, Torrington One of our Sangha members, Rosie, invites us to visit her juice bar in Downtown Torrington. Rosie offers many wonderful health and energy drinks and foods as well as aromatic incenses and products sangha members would appreciate. In addition Rosie hosts guest lectures and open mike nights. Visit her website for more information and then visit her store for some "chill" time. http://nirvanahealthbar.com/ Nirvana is a healthy, fun and informative place to visit! Saturday Temple Regular Schedule: 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM Yoga The first Saturday of each month, Dae Yen Sa has a retreat day with a revised schedule. Call or contact the temple for the schedule and activities for that day. Buddhist Food Blessing
MEAL PRAYERS 19 Kinsey Road Donations greatly appreciated! VISIT DAE YEN SA ON FACEBOOK! |
'Jesus Would Support Palestinian Statehood'
*Jesus Would Support Palestinian Statehood*
Editor's Note: Carl Medearis is an international expert in Arab-American
and Muslim-Christian relations and is...
13 years ago
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